Wednesday 24 December 2014

'Time' according to Rob Bryanton

Although it is a common-sense that time seems to flow straightforwardly from the past to the future, people who try to explain complex sciences such as the String Theory may disagree with such a simple explanation. For example, Rob Bryanton mentions on this topic in a video attempting to explain the dimensions, from zero to tenth, in accordance with the String theory:
‘If we think of ourselves as we were one minute ago, and then imagine ourselves as we are at this moment, the line we could draw from the ‘one-minute-ago version’ to the ‘right now version’ would be a line in the fourth dimension. If you were to see your body in the fourth dimension, you would be like a long undulating snake, with your embryonic self at one end and your deceased self at the other.
… One of the most intriguing aspects of there being one dimension stacked on another is that down here in the dimensions below we can be unaware of our motion in the dimensions above…

… time (is)… actually twisting and turning in the dimension above. So, the long undulating snake, that is us, will feel like it is moving in a straight line in the forth dimension, but there will actually be, in the fifth dimension, a multitude of paths that we could branch to at any given moment. Those branches will be influenced by our own choice, chance and actions of others.
.. What if you wanted to go back into your own childhood and visit yourself. We can imagine folding the fourth dimension through the fifth, jumping back through time and space to get there… We can imagine our fourth-dimensional selves branching out from our current moment into the fifth dimension… The shortcut we could take would involve us folding the fifth dimension through the sixth dimension, which allows us to instantly jump from our current position to a different fifth dimensional line.
… In our description of the fourth dimension, we imagined taking the dimension below and conceiving of it as a single point. The fourth dimension is a line, which can join the universe as it was one minute ago to the universe as it is right now.’ (

For reading the text in full:

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